Pre-Travel RT-PCR Testing at MFF 2021

For those attendees returning to countries which require a negative RT-PCR / NAAT COVID-19 test before flying home, Midwest FurFest is pleased to announce a partnership with Vitality Urgent Care for Midwest FurFest 2021. You can learn more about this service here.

Vitality Urgent Care will set up testing in the Malpensa room on the International Level of the Hyatt Regency O’Hare from 11AM - 3PM on Friday, December 3rd and Saturday, December 4th. The test will be available for $145 with results provided within 8 hours.

Participants will be required to register and provide payment online. Registering in advance will help gauge how many staff are needed each day and will save time for participants. Walk-ins at the testing location will be given a QR code or URL to complete their registration and provide payment online. We urge you to confirm your specific pre-entry COVID-19 testing requirements before registering for this service.

If you are interested in participating, click below to register.