Help MCP help dogs!

What does the “normal world” think of furries?  Indeed, that’s a loaded question. But more and more people are attaching a certain descriptive word to us... and that’s “generous.”

Super generous, if you consider that MFF congoers have given more than $500,000 to animal-associated charities since 2000. And this December, we’ll get the chance to give yet another Midwest animal welfare group some of the love – Chicago's MCP Rescue + Outreach.

MCP, short for Mission Companion Paw, is a rescue organization for pitbulls and other misunderstood dogs. But it also describes itself as going beyond rescue and adoption to “use the international language of art to imprint compassion for animals into urban youth culture.” 

MCP has rescued more than 1200 dogs since its beginning in 2016 and helps beyond the adoption process, supplying pet food donations to food pantries, and directing families to low cost spay and neuter services. 70% of MCP rescues are considered hard to adopt dogs such as pit bulls, seniors, special needs animals, and extreme medical cases.

According to MCP, “Every dog deserves to have their existence acknowledged, their personality shine and their heart breathe. MCP teamwork brings life, light and love to the ones that everyone may not be able to hear or understand.”

Furs can bid for all sorts of cool things this weekend during our Silent Auction in the Dealers Den (Convention Center Hall G) as well as during the annual Live Auction Sunday morning at 11:00 in the Hyatt Regency’s Rosemont Ballroom. If you have a piece of art, a commission or anything else you think could bring in a few bucks for MCP, tell us about it and even upload a picture.

You’ll also get to meet MCP volunteers and even some potential adoptable dogs at MCP’s Dealers Den tables next to the Silent Auction.