And we helped!

If you were among the hundreds of donors to Charities at previous Midwest FurFests, you may wonder where that money goes. For Felines & Canines, MFF’s charity in 2012 and 2016, it went into a special place that has won a national award for its innovation!

Felines & Canines’ Hunter Stephenson Rescue Center in northern Alabama has been chosen as the ASPCA’s 2019 Henry Bergh Award Winner! The award, named in honor of ASPCA founder Henry Bergh, recognizes the innovative efforts and proven impact the Rescue Center has made on the homeless animal population in that area. In less than 15 months, more than 3,600 homeless dogs and cats have been rescued, cared for and relocated to loving homes in the Chicago area through this program. The Rescue Center was designed to be a model and program that can be easily and affordably replicated in new locations, is highly sustainable with efficient processes, and makes the maximum impact on a very streamlined budget.

F&C executive director Abby Smith said, “We are so grateful to the ASPCA for their support and for shining a light on the work we’re doing – we never sought out attention or recognition for any of the work we’ve done, but I’m not gonna lie, it feels pretty dang nice to get this pat on the back!“ Smith thanks the facility’s two local coordinators, staff and crew as well as the family of the late Hunter Stephenson, whose love for animals helped lead to the center that bears his name. 

MFF was a major contributor to the center thanks to the $128,982 that furries gave to Felines & Canines over two conventions. You indeed helped!